
Pecking Hens

What pops into people’s eyes first is a piece of natural green. That’s the spring’s original color. In the sunlight, every life recovers its vigour. Gentle breeze touches each inch of the land. Each place where the breeze travels takes on new atmosphere.

Two hens are pecking at the same point. They might find some worms in that place. Regardless of this beautiful environment, the hens focus on their food silently. Their feather is in purely white, which help these two hens integrate into the warm natural site. The hen tail is fluffy and hairy, mixed with some blue and black feather. It exhibits both fancy and vigour.

Under the grass, it is rich mud and plenty of water, which feed the grass so well. In the front part of this piece of oil painting, the painter uses deep green to highlight the vigorous grass and yellow to intimate the flowers. In the back part of the painting, uses light green to expand the endless grassland. Besides, purple also performs an important role in this artwork. In the sunshine light, the painter uses purple to represent the shade of the objects but still keeps the picture in a bright color style. At this time, the chicken, the hens’ children, may hide themselves in the heavy grass to play games.



Abstract decorative bullfight

This is a vivid bullfight painting with brilliant color and rich picture. Red is the traditional color for bullfight game. The matador is wearing battle suit, with muleta flying in his hands. The bull is very sensitive to the red flying muleta. It concentrates all the power and runs toward the matador to toss the matador. But bravery and confidence protect this warrior from danger and risk. Let’s have a look: the matador is standing in front of the bull, keeping waving the muleta to catch the bull’s attention. When the bull runs very close to him, the matador change the direction of the muleta and let the bull rush to the ground. The bull does not recognize that it has been trapped into the matador’s plan. It can’t stop rushing in such a short time then finally its head collide with the ground. Its whole body cannot take the fierce rushing power so it shows a donkey hop.

The painter used such an exaggerating way to depict a fierce bullfight game, no matter the color or the posture of the matador and the bull. The effect is obvious and amusing. A piece of artwork which is full of exaggerations leaves deeper expression to people. No one would think it as ridiculous but will appreciate the painter’s rich imagination more.